What is Cold Brew?
Coffee that has been brewed over time and not heat. We never apply heat, but we use filtered ambient temperature water to brew our coffee. Cold brew coffee has a smoother, bolder and a less acidic and bit bitter flavor due to the absence of heat in the brewing process.
 Where do you source your coffee?
We source our coffee from the finest estates of Chikmangalur.
 Can we recycle Everyday Brew packaging?
Yes, you can very well recycle our packaging. And we very much encourage if you do the same. It mostly depends where you stay and what form of service is availabe in your area. You can recycle the carton as well as the glass bottles.
 Do i need to keep the cold brew cold before i open it?
Nope, you can store your everyday brew's cold brew coffee at room temperature until you open it. It will not affect the taste. But we usually keep it refridgerated once it is out of the box so that we can enjoy it chilled whenever we crave a good cold brew. Usually its enjoyed chilled or over lots of ice.
 How long does the Everyday Brew's Cold brew coffee last?
This is a very relative question. From a freshness point of view, each bottle will stay fresh until the printed "best buy" date on the back of the bottle. As it is free from any preservatives, your cold brew will stay fresh for upto 15 days, until you finish it all. You will notice some...
 Do i need to dilute Everyday Brew's cold brew with milk or water?
Good question! Our cold brew is sufficiently strong and smooth, you can have it straight from the bottle, so you dont have to mess around with measuring your coffee and water before you have it. It is ready-to-drink. That's said, it's your coffee, and it's endlessly customizable: drink it straight black or have it with milk and sugar, in a smoothie or in a mocktail or cocktail or add it to your favourite cold brew recipe.
 How is cold brew coffee different from iced coffee?
Its quite simple, iced coffee is exactly what it sounds like, regular brewed coffee served over ice. Cold brew coffee is steeped in ambient temperature water for more than 12 hours. Since it tends to be a bit stronger, serving ice cold or with ice is A-OK.
 Do you use filtered water in your cold brew process?
 Which Forms of Payment do you accept?
We accept all type of debit & credit cards as a form of payments.
 Which type of coffee roasts do you use in your cold brew process?
We use 100% Arabica coffee in medium and dark roast forms.
 Do you ship pre-ground or roasted coffee beans?

No, currently we are only in cold brew making process. Maybe, in future we might think of it.

 Do you ship Cold Brew outside of Gujarat?
No, Currently, We only ship cold brew in all of Gujarat.
 Do you ship Drip Bag outside of Gujarat?
Yes, We ship Drip Bag outside of Gujarat in following state like Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan.
 What are 100% Arabica beans?
This variety of beans grow at higher altitude and have a less bitter and smoother flavour than their counterpart, Robusta beans. It is generally accepted that Arabica beans produce more desirable flovour characteristics.
 How much caffiene is in a bottle of everyday Brew's Cold Brew Coffee?
Depending on the flavour, you will get 120-150 mg of caffiene per bottle. This is equal to about two cups of hot brewed coffee. We carefully use selected beans and maintain optimal ratio of roasted coffee to water which allows us to achieve a perfect amount of caffiene throughout the cold brew process.
 Why are you called Everyday Brew?
The word "brew'' is used for coffee brewing. We want our coffee to be a part of your everyday coffee routine, as your everyday brew.
 Didn't find the answer your were looking for?
drop us a mail at info.everydaybrew@gmail.com and we will gladly answer any questions you might have as soon as possible.